Join one of our many Sunday Grow Groups for times spent digging deeper into God's word and discussing how we apply His word to our lives. For updated classes check our Youtube Channel.
Sunday Worship Service
Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM until 11:00 AM
Join our Sunday Worship Service for times of corporate worship, prayer, and hearing the preaching of God's word.
Wednesday Grow Groups
Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM
Join one of our many Wednesday Grow Groups for times spent digging deeper into God's word and discussing how we apply His word to our lives. For updated Grow Groups check our Classes or Youtube.
Corporate Prayer Hour
Tuesdays mornings at 11:30 AM
Join in on an hour of unscripted corporate prayer where you are free to pray as you feel lead.
Men's Prayer
Friday mornings at 7:14 AM
Men, come join in on an hour of unscripted corporate prayer where you are free to pray as you feel lead.